Now that the sapping season is over and the buds are blooming out of your maple tree, it is time to clean the equipment used for tapping and collecting and have it all cleaned up and stored in a safe and dry place. While you’re doing that, here are some reminders for you in cleaning your maple tapping equipment.

  • Never pull the spile with your hands. Use pliers when pulling the spile.
  • Make sure you have removed the bucket, lid, and hook before taking off the spile.
  • Never stack the buckets you used with the other sap buckets so that no sap residue will stick on the exterior part. This makes bucket cleaning easier.
  • Have the equipment cleaned first before bringing it to the storage. Use unscented bleach to clean the residue and rinse it with hot water.

You’re all set for next year. Enjoy the maple saps you’ve collected and make the best maple syrup you can ever imagine.